
7 Relationship Lessons From Years of Client Sessions

I'm going to share the seven (7) things that I think are important to remember when you're in a romantic relationship with someone else, and these are all based on live sessions and learnings throughout that time.

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Self-Love: Career and Mental Health (PART II)

In my last blog, we addressed the idea of self-love and what that really means in a very practical way, rather than just throwing those words around recklessly. In this blog, we're going to discuss how you find self-love in your career and your working life...

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Attend a Meditation Retreat in Australia

Meditation covers a range of mindfulness practices; from sitting still and breathing to conscious inward (yet active) reflection. Meditation is a popular word that is gaining momentum throughout the globe.

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Are You Thinking of Attending a Mindfulness Retreat?

A typical mindfulness retreat is designed to give you a lovely experience of being connected and present to your surroundings. This usually means no mobile phones, computers, or televisions corrupting your headspace, and activities are designed to get you into your body and out of the logical planning brain.

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Rejuvenate Your Inner Being by Getting Rid of Spirits

Life is one large energy grid and everything that is alive has a spirit in it otherwise, it would be dead. This energy grid holds positive and negative energy; which means it holds positive and negative spirits. The negative energies, bad vibes, and some spirits may be detrimental to your happiness, success, and general inner wellbeing.

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Spiritual Retreats in Australia

A spiritual retreat is a dedicated time for reflecting inward and finding out what really matters most to you. Spiritual retreats can range from being quite passive or they can be quite active in that the exercises and program are designed to speed up and invigorate your connection to your spirit.

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