
personal development

Master the Flow of Yin and Yang

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How do we best explain Yin and Yang outside of the Chinese medicine association? Yin and Yang. Night and Day. Feminine and Masculine. Reflection and Action. Inner and Outer. Shadow and Light. Intuition and Logic.

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What Do You Need?

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Take the time to stop, pause and reflect on that question. This is quite possibly one of the most powerful questions you can ask someone. It is also one of the most important spiritual questions that someone could ask of you.

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Are you attracting the right people into your life?

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How’s that for a question? It is one of those big life questions that sits in our deep self and probably doesn’t get a lot of logical thought on a day-to-day basis. But it should… We all operate at a certain type of frequency.

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Is Your Career on Purpose?

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How does intuition play a part in “being on track” with your career? Let’s really discuss this concept of purpose and alignment in your career. Because at the end of the day, most of us have to work, right?

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The Medicine Wheel and Your Journey to Healing

The medicine wheel, also known as the shamanic medicine wheel, Native American medicine wheel or Indigenous medicine wheel, is an indigenous Native American tool used in shamanic Healing Practices. For thousands of years, the sacred medicine wheel has been used to facilitate such spiritual shamanic Journeys and shamanic meditation.

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How to do Self-Healing

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Hello fellow self healers! I'm going to share six key points with you on the process of how you go about healing yourself. Let's cut to the chase. 

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The 8 Biggest Relationship Lessons

Breakups are hard yet they teach us where we are wounded the most. Debbie shares 8 big lessons that have emerged again and again after years of coaching clients through messy breakups.

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How to Deal with Your Own Shadows

Debbie Pask shares 5 key tips on how to deal with shadows and move into a more confident relationship with self. Shadows are the parts of ourselves we don't like or reject and they are our greatest teachers.

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