personal development
7 Relationship Lessons From Years of Client Sessions
I'm going to share the seven (7) things that I think are important to remember when you're in a romantic relationship with someone else, and these are all based on live sessions and learnings throughout that time.
Self-Love: Career and Mental Health (PART II)
In my last blog, we addressed the idea of self-love and what that really means in a very practical way, rather than just throwing those words around recklessly. In this blog, we're going to discuss how you find self-love in your career and your working life...
Self-Love: Are We Really Getting It? (PART I)
When I first heard the term ‘self-love’ the first thing that came to mind was a silly dance or smiling inner voice that said to me in a musical tone…
Feel Like Groundhog Day…Again?
Loads of clients tell me they feel that sense of disconnection and loneliness in life, even though living in a busy city. They have a great job, great friends and family, and big social outlets. So why is there a sense of uneasiness and emptiness that permeates through us when we stop for a second to reflect on life?
Building Self Confidence
We have our own blueprint and personality and the more powerful approach to ask powerful questions and this will assist you to develop your own answers, which in turn gives you the power back and naturally instigates the process of building self-confidence within you.
Do You Have A Clear Wellbeing Life Plan?
It just takes a little thought, a little reflection, and a commitment to yourself to think about how balanced you truly are in life...
What Is The Repeating Story In Your Head?
When I ask clients what are their greatest and more important values, 9 out of 10 cannot immediately answer. If that is the case, then what springs up in our garden is not thoughtful or intended. Maybe they are weeds? We have forgotten to live a values-based life where we have powerful and passionate clarity about what we want and how to act to get it.
Do You Have A Life Problem-Solving Tool?
We all face life problems to solve at one time or another. Some are biggies and some are less intense, but we all need tools and strategies to move through them. Many of our big challenges need a ‘death and rebirth’ of sorts...
10 Steps to Be Confident
Confidence and self-belief probably take the number one place for creating the most hurdles in life. Let’s face it. The gap between you and your dreams is simply one thing: your lack of confidence that you either deserve the dream or can achieve it.
What is Your Creative Gift?
Many of us think we are not creative, benchmarking ourselves against the traditional arts such as painting, music, and design. This is a false assumption!
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