Building Self Confidence

There are so many ways to answer the question of how to build self-confidence. Not all strategies will work for everyone as we are all unique and on our own journey. We have our own blueprint and personality. So instead of giving you specific actions to go about building self-confidence, the more powerful approach is to ask powerful questions and this will assist you to develop your own answers, which in turn gives you the power back and naturally instigates the process of building self-confidence within you.
So what are the powerful questions required to building self-confidence?
I will answer this in two parts: Inner power + Inner peace
What are the 3 Powerful Questions you must ask about Inner Power?
1. What are the greatest shadows and challenges in my life?
Answer this and you will get the keys to your own brilliance. Your greatest shadow (the part you dislike about yourself) develops your blueprint and life path so learn to love those so 'ugly' parts of yourself as they are your greatest asset and teacher. If you embrace your dark side, your power goes through the roof because it no longer has power over you. You own it completely.
2. What 7 ideas, values, or things in my life can I NOT live without?
i.e. What do I require to be present in my life that makes it worthwhile so I can breathe? For me, that is nature and animals, stillness/peace, love and connection, growth, passion, freedom, and wisdom.
For some people, it is music or travel or family. There is no right or wrong here and not having family in your top 7 doesn't care about them. It just means that you could move away and be okay without them. If you cannot, then they must sit in the top 7. Knowing these 7 critical things is step 1.
3. What do I stand for and hence what is my life purpose?
When you start to truly understand your purpose for being here, in this time, country and body, then, you truly own your power. Having a clear sense of purpose, what you step up and fight for, and what is deeply connected to your heart allows you to tap into a rising power and conviction. Knowing your life purpose or soul purpose is probably one of the most clarifying and empowering states. An Astrology career chart session is a great way to start this process.
What are the 3 Powerful Questions you must ask about Inner Peace?
So you have started building self-confidence through developing inner power, the next step is to be at peace with your power.
1. How well do you manage your yin and yang flow?
Your yin is your creative and intuitive mind, where it is more about being than doing. Reflection and creation. It is conceptual and inwardly focused energy, a free-spirited and inner child energy that feels flowing and free. It receives openly and connects without practicality. The yang is more of direct and logical energy. It is a doing and active energy. Think tasks, lists, and getting stuff achieved. It is the execution of the plan, the delivery.
Once you know more about who are, the key to building self-confidence is to easily flow between these two states. Engage and trust your creative brain (honor its intelligence) and also be prepared to act and do the work required to deliver your idea into the world. We build self-confidence when we can both dream up and deliver our brilliant ideas. That requires trust in our ideas and ability to materialize.
2. How do you master your own Point Zero state?
Point zero means that you are able to let go of controlling external circumstances, knowing that true empowerment comes from within. As long as you are authentic to your own thoughts, feelings and reactions, external events can unfold and yet you always feel in control and in charge of your own happiness state. It is about finding your higher wisdom or your Spirit that is source of energy and being able to witness what is going on but not falling into the drama of it all so that you become bogged. It doesn't mean you are cold and detached, ti just means you have awareness and insight and you can find your way home when life gets tricky. Inner peace comes when you find your own point zero. And point zero is key in building self-confidence. If we didn't have it, then we would accept that we are just helpless little beings floating around getting tangled up in all sorts of external situations and therefore having no directional power available to us. Does that sound useful for building self-confidence? I think not. We designed a weekly mindfulness activity that you can join weekly to get you feeling more zenful!
3. What baggage do you still hold on to from the past?
Have I managed to see my past life experiences as a gift or am I still playing victim to something or someone that I blame for my current state? Having any outstanding angst toward another person leaves you energetically corded to that person and that is very draining. If you have any sizzle at the thought of or seeing a person in your life, then, you are not on your way to building self-confidence through inner peace. That outstanding irritation is draining your confidence and power because you are holding on to inner conflict. Unresolved conflict creates mental unrest and physical disease. Working through old baggage effectively ( I have a great process for this) will free you up to be more peaceful and with that inner peace comes greater self-confidence.
These questions about Inner Power and Inner Peace are therefore a very powerful way to start your journey in building self-confidence. It's not about copying what other people are doing or mastering some skill like public speaking.
Building self-confidence comes from asking yourself those powerful questions and making it your life mission to clarify them. Resolve them and live them. Your won story and your own personal path hold the keys to your self-confidence. You just have to look deep in yourself. Look and go further in, not further out.
Find your confidence from knowing who and what you are and being at peace with yourself. I have a passion for helping people feel confident in their life, so if you have any questions or want to know more, get in touch. I'd love to hear what insights you have or questions you may need an answer to.
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