
body health

Are you Tapping into your Intuition for Health?

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Let’s talk about the importance of tuning into your intuitive senses for the body. We all know that the body can have various things go wrong with it. Ailments, illnesses, various things that throw us out of balance. That’s all part of being human. 

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How to do Self-Healing

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Hello fellow self healers! I'm going to share six key points with you on the process of how you go about healing yourself. Let's cut to the chase. 

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Energy Update: How It Affects Money And The Body

Do you have a cloudy path ahead in relation to money or health? With the recent moon in Taurus, many of us had a lot of issues come up with both our finances, money matters, and body...

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When Healing Does Not Work?

You probably already know that there are many doorways to Healing: Energy Healing, Kinesiology, Counselling, Coaching, Acupuncture, Art Therapy, Chiro, Physio, Indigenous Healing and the list goes on… But when all of these healing styles cannot quite nail your problem and you feel completely and utterly stuck, lost, and hopeless - what is the answer?

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The Two Types of Fear

There are a lot of different fears that can hold us back. Fear of failure, fear of not being good enough, fear of intimacy, fear of embarrassment, fear of getting hurt, fear of rejection, fear of pain...

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Body Talk: Reading the Signs Your Body is Giving You

This is a body talk. Reading the signs your body is giving you. Our body is communicating with us every day, giving us messages about what is happening on a mental, emotional and spiritual level. Many of us ignore these messages and push through life trying to numb them down or block them out? I fall into this trap too sometimes, the secret is to learn the art of body talk.

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