
metaphysical energy and healing

The Medicine Wheel for Therapy and Counselling

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The Medicine Wheel is a very versatile tool that can be used in so many different ways to create powerful insight, healing and change. When it comes to counselling or therapy with people, whether it's group or one-on-one, the medicine wheel is a fantastic way to embody the lessons and the cycles of life.

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Rezinate Medicine Wheel for Therapy and Counselling

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The Medicine Wheel is a very versatile tool that can be used to create powerful insight, healing, and change. When it comes to counselling or therapy with people, whether it's group or one-on-one, the medicine wheel is a fantastic way to embody the lessons and the cycles of life. Here’s how it works...

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White Space: 3 Rules to Master Spiritual Awakening

Master your Spiritual Awakening. Many of us have heard the term ‘white space’ which refers to an individual or business having room to pause, course correct, or even think creatively without the pressure of acting or delivering right at that moment.

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Aboriginal Dreamtime Healing

Ever arrived somewhere new and found it intensely familiar? Or wondered why recurrent themes play out in your life? We unconsciously carry forward ‘memories’ of our experiences, attitudes, and relationships, both pleasant and traumatic, from previous lifetimes to present ones.

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Your Inner Temple

Where and what represents your inner temple? The place where you get clear on your dreams and where you can cut through the muck of everyday life to get deep intuitive clarity on your life?

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