
intuitive guidance

The Medicine Wheel for Therapy and Counselling

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The Medicine Wheel is a very versatile tool that can be used in so many different ways to create powerful insight, healing and change. When it comes to counselling or therapy with people, whether it's group or one-on-one, the medicine wheel is a fantastic way to embody the lessons and the cycles of life.

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An Effective Way to Start a Dialogue with Your Spirit

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A lot of us, we exist in a practical, tangible world. We're getting ready for work, we go about our day and what we don't realize that while we're working or doing our daily routine, our spirit mind is working underneath the scenes. It is operating whether we like it or not. It's there. It is present. It's always online.

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Are you Tapping into your Intuition for Health?

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Let’s talk about the importance of tuning into your intuitive senses for the body. We all know that the body can have various things go wrong with it. Ailments, illnesses, various things that throw us out of balance. That’s all part of being human. 

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Is Your Career on Purpose?

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How does intuition play a part in “being on track” with your career? Let’s really discuss this concept of purpose and alignment in your career. Because at the end of the day, most of us have to work, right?

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Rezinate Medicine Wheel for Therapy and Counselling

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The Medicine Wheel is a very versatile tool that can be used to create powerful insight, healing, and change. When it comes to counselling or therapy with people, whether it's group or one-on-one, the medicine wheel is a fantastic way to embody the lessons and the cycles of life. Here’s how it works...

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The 3 Pillars of Spiritual Healing

Spiritual healing, otherwise known as energy medicine healing, energy healing, or quantum healing, refers to the alternative healing technique in which one works with an individual to deal with specific challenges and overcome trauma.

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How to do Self-Healing

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Hello fellow self healers! I'm going to share six key points with you on the process of how you go about healing yourself. Let's cut to the chase. 

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White Space: 3 Rules to Master Spiritual Awakening

Master your Spiritual Awakening. Many of us have heard the term ‘white space’ which refers to an individual or business having room to pause, course correct, or even think creatively without the pressure of acting or delivering right at that moment.

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5 Steps To Selecting A Spirituality Course

Do the internet and spirituality really mix that well? No, they don’t. Spirituality is like taking a deep breath of the divine self and connecting to that non-rational side of you. 

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Letting Go of a Bad Relationship

Have you been feeling like a whole bunch of stuff is coming up to deal with towards the close of the year? Relationship blockages, physical issues, career stagnation and more?

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