
higher self

How to Embody Divine Feminine and Masculine

The divine feminine is what we call the yin. The creative, the flowing, the connected part of us that's non-rational. It's all about feeling and nighttime and moon and energy and receiving. Yang, is a divine masculine, is more about the action, the doing, the getting out there, giving out energy, ticking off that to-do list, getting things done.

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Master the Flow of Yin and Yang

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How do we best explain Yin and Yang outside of the Chinese medicine association? Yin and Yang. Night and Day. Feminine and Masculine. Reflection and Action. Inner and Outer. Shadow and Light. Intuition and Logic.

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An Effective Way to Start a Dialogue with Your Spirit

Rezinate Blog Start a Dialogue with Your Spirit
A lot of us, we exist in a practical, tangible world. We're getting ready for work, we go about our day and what we don't realize that while we're working or doing our daily routine, our spirit mind is working underneath the scenes. It is operating whether we like it or not. It's there. It is present. It's always online.

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The 3 Pillars of Spiritual Healing

Spiritual healing, otherwise known as energy medicine healing, energy healing, or quantum healing, refers to the alternative healing technique in which one works with an individual to deal with specific challenges and overcome trauma.

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How to do Self-Healing

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Hello fellow self healers! I'm going to share six key points with you on the process of how you go about healing yourself. Let's cut to the chase. 

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The Chiron Return

What’s all the fuss about your Chiron Return? Are you aged between 48- 50? A few years off or just past this crazy era in your life? Strap in and get ready to hear about Chiron Return. Chiron is a planet in the sky, just like Earth, Venus, Mercury and more.

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How to Deal with Your Own Shadows

Debbie Pask shares 5 key tips on how to deal with shadows and move into a more confident relationship with self. Shadows are the parts of ourselves we don't like or reject and they are our greatest teachers.

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White Space: 3 Rules to Master Spiritual Awakening

Master your Spiritual Awakening. Many of us have heard the term ‘white space’ which refers to an individual or business having room to pause, course correct, or even think creatively without the pressure of acting or delivering right at that moment.

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What is the RIGHT action to take RIGHT NOW?

We are all being called to take the RIGHT action in the RIGHT moment. The world is changing and more people are waking up to the fact that our government and world leaders do not always have the answers or our best interests at heart...

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