

Have You Given Your Mind A Job Description?

We live and breathe by using job descriptions in the workplace to keep focused, to be clear on our responsibilities and also to work with others to stay in the flow. We see this job description as intrinsic in keeping clarity of direction and purposeful intention...

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The Top 5 Mindfulness Training Ideas

Do we really understand what mindfulness is? Mindfulness is not just a series of granular tools or techniques to calm the mind so we can de-stress. It is learning the art of staying present in every moment (creative mind) can freely give 100% attention to any given task, as opposed to our left brain (logical mind) trying to juggle 50 ideas and do none of them very well...

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5 Steps To Selecting A Spirituality Course

Do the internet and spirituality really mix that well? No, they don’t. Spirituality is like taking a deep breath of the divine self and connecting to that non-rational side of you. 

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How To Connect to Your Higher Self?

A lot of people ask me this question ‘How can I connect more with my Higher Self?’. I think it is a great question, and loads of people expect a long spiritual ‘to do’ list showing how to separate more from the daily life of the physical and material world and escape to a higher and better place of thinking and being...

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Letting Go of a Bad Relationship

Have you been feeling like a whole bunch of stuff is coming up to deal with towards the close of the year? Relationship blockages, physical issues, career stagnation and more?

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Master Your Mental Chatter

Although our modern-day world is full of stress and mad crazy schedules, we are all aware enough to know that we need to slow down. We need some space and mindfulness and the ability to stop the overwhelming flow of thoughts (mostly negative) that hit our brains every second.

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The Two Types of Fear

There are a lot of different fears that can hold us back. Fear of failure, fear of not being good enough, fear of intimacy, fear of embarrassment, fear of getting hurt, fear of rejection, fear of pain...

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