Words of Wisdom You Would Tell Your 18-Year Old Self

What words of wisdom would you tell your 18- year-old self if you could go back in time? We put out a question to all Rezinate clients for the chance to win a Free Energy Healing. The question asked was, what would you give yourself as an 18-year-old ready to face the world after school?
Here are the wonderful replies we received. Please look out for yours if you responded and scroll to the bottom of the blog to see who our WINNER is, plus - we have posted our own response to the question... Enjoy!
Here are the responses:
"There are only two choices in this life, love or fear. Love feels like the sun on your face, fear feels like knots in your stomach."
-Alissa Beck
"Respect your body and soul and others will too."
-Melinda El-melki
"Enjoy the highs and know the lows will pass. There are no mistakes, whatever you choose, you can always choose again. You will make a difference!"
-Natalie Rose
"If you are looking for a sign......this is it!"
-Adrienne Julie Wilkie
"Trust your intuition, always be true to yourself in love - never devalue yourself. Remember the beautiful, powerful, unique individual one is. Respect yourself."
-Gillian Ondaatje
"You are an organic being from the earth and from the stars. Become yourself, go into your heart. You have everything you need. Love, now."
-Asher Cloran
"Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it."
-Cheriece Harper
"Have the courage to believe in yourself and act. Share your wisdom and your joy. And, continue to laugh!"
-Holly Mahoney
"Let go your anger, sadness, disappointments, and fears. Critics who say you are “less than” know nothing. Follow no one. While journeying to your happiness."
-Chris Cloran
"Be yourself, Look for the lessons in challenges, listen to your intuition, love and respect yourself, the planet and everyone around you, and know you are always loved and supported by the universe."
-Pam O'Mahony
"Embrace your inner child, have fun, live passionately, laugh uncontrollably, think big and bright! Don't let anyone try to contain you... Most will tell you that you can't, only because they themselves cannot!"
-Kate McNab
"Believe in yourself. Laugh at yourself. Trust in yourself."
-Britt James
"Definitely to study earlier" x
-Rosie Osborn
"Laugh, love, and live the life I want to live. Learn from mistakes and have no regrets they are there for a reason."
-Karen Gualdi
"Do what makes you happy, learn from your past, and don't regret. The world is your oyster."
-Cassie Lang
"Don't do it."
-Darrell Thorpe Sinclair
"We're all evolving constantly. We can either continue to evolve, or choose to remain on the level that our friends and family are comfortable with."
-Shelley McConaghy
"Trust that everything happens for a reason, even if you can't see it at the time. Don't try to control everything, it's simply not possible and you will end up driving yourself crazy. Have goals, sure. Work towards them, absolutely. But TRUST that everything will happen when and as it is meant to, and not always to your preconceived timeline!"
-Kelley Johnson
"Life will get you down, but you'll pick yourself up. Trust that everything that has happened so far and everything that will happen in the future leads to you exactly where you'll want to be."
-Craig Zammit
"Love who you are. Be courageous. Be in nature. Be present. Let yourself be nurtured. Release attachments, they don't serve you. Trust life's flow. Love is all around and inside you, not in just one person. Embrace it. Don't overlook it in the search for something. It will carry you beyond your need to search."
-Britta van Dyk
"Nobody takes care of You but You."
-Kathleen Magee
And lastly, our words of wisdom...
"You have a unique blueprint in this life. Learn it. Love it. Teach it. Understand that your big life challenges help fulfil that purpose by making you a better teacher."
-the Pasks
AND THE WINNER IS... Kelley Johnson
Congratulations! loved your post!
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