How to Step Up When the World Crashes Around You

To say these current times are challenging is a complete misrepresentation. What is happening is extremely shattering to the very core of our Spirit.
Not the pandemic or the virus. Although it is deeply disturbing.
Not the lockdowns. Although they are freedom denying.
Not the pressured vaccinations. Although they are frightening to many of us.
Rather, it is the HATE, SHAME, RIDICULE, and DIVISION that is clearly the winner here. Man is being ripped apart by a force that is outside of our control yet we all turn to one another to throw mud, bricks, daggers, trucks, and more.
If humanity was a company structure, our culture would be deathly toxic. A violent and unsafe place to work from. Employees dobbing each other in. Creating cliques and divides. And the HR team are the media forcing lies down our throat and the narcissist CEO is the government calling the shots yet not really listening to the people they are meant to represent.
I have been thinking about voicing my spiritual concerns for mankind for a while now – and yet nothing would flow. I finally got the impetus to write after reading a wonderful colleague’s blog post and therefore I am going to give credit to Anita Toi for tipping me over the edge to write my own thoughts from a spiritual objective. So, here it is.
We all get micro tests in our life. Lessons to learn and evolve. Many of you have seen James or myself for a healing or coaching session to work through your karma and life lessons. James and I feel honoured to work with many of you and observe the beauty unfolding.
This current HUGE test is no longer individual (micro). It's now a tribal (macro) test. A BIG collective test.
A group evolution for our collective spirits and one which we are kinda failing. Or maybe not? Perhaps we are right where we are meant to be – in the crucible of burning messy lava figuring out WHO we really are. What better way to create a rapid evolution than to throw us in the boiling pot? Clever!
A. Do you have a strong and rich inner life; that intimate connection with your own Spirit whereby you can look at this world event and smile quietly to yourself knowing this is all going to be okay?
Sure – you might be marching in freedom rallies or feeling deeply concerned about the vaccinations (whether you believe in taking them or not). You might be joining groups to demand better from your government. You might get amped up at times. I do. I was irritated at a local customer shaming a local shop on social media and calling police for not forcing everyone to wear masks in their shop front … at the time that they were not legally mandatory. I was also worried and angry when I heard France introduced a rule that people could NOT go into a café, cinema or a bar without a VACCINATION card. A clinical trial that is now enforced socially. These are my views and i know that other people sit in the completely opposite direction of thinking. They are annoyed people are not stepping up. Yet we can all still be at peace no matter what.
B. Are you freaking out right now that your world is at the tipping point, your business is going under, and that you might walk out the door and face death from a virus or a rock pelting show from your neighbours that want to stone you to death for not complying with a mask order? Perhaps you are incited that your colleagues, friends or family members are not taking this pandemic seriously enough? Maybe you fear financial ruination, isolation, never going on an international holiday again, or homeschooling your kids 24/7? Perhaps being locked up with your other half scares the bejesus out for you and you cannot go out to that bar and drown your sorrows anymore. Or spend extra long hours in the office to avoid the drama of home?
Your life here in option B is run by the outer world and therefore you rely on that for happiness. This is a hard path. Your connection to your inner self can get numb and empty. And as sure as the season's change, so will your external world and it’s a 50/50 scenario whether it works out the way you want it to.
Maybe you get fired from your ace job. Maybe your holiday bonus gets cut. Maybe money cannot buy your way out of a hairy situation. If you live this way (relying on the external world), then there is only misery for you, my friend. The worst is yet to come and security as you know it will disappear. I am not saying we are in for doom and gloom. Rather, this new age we are in (Aquarius) will have less to do about material money-making and accumulation and more to do with freedom, tribe, and innovation.
That is an inside job.
So, the solution?
It’s time to find a new level of security for yourself. To live that rich inner and connected life. To get on to a path of Spiritual Intelligence (SQ). We had the era of IQ -academic intelligence. That was held in high esteem. Then we moved to EQ - Emotional intelligence. Empathy and being aware of each other’s emotional needs created an improvement in the way we respected each other. We found innovative ways to relate.
Now we arrive at a new world and therefore a new skill. SQ. Spiritual Intelligence. A deeper reverence for energy and Spirit. Aside from knowing what the f^&* is going on, SQ gives us a new code and a new way of seeing reality. From the inside out. To take our power from our Spirit and not the external physical reality. We let go of external events ruling our happiness and prioritise our spiritual lessons. We start to realise that there are cycles of time. We realise there is individual transformation and also group/ humanity transformation. We are in one of those group cycles (an ending, so it is crunch time) that means, we as a group and social structure, are deeply transforming. And when we accept that and know that and understand this deeper cycle, we can smile quietly and feel reassured and maybe even feel grateful that we chose to evolve here at this time to see this level of huge change.
A spiritually intelligent person might say you have three options:
1. BE AN AGENT OF CHANGE - Actively help build and dream up the new world (this may mean marching for freedom, challenging old structures, holding group sessions, teaching people how to change, holding a better vision for others to follow). Requires COURAGE & VISION.
2. ACT IN A SUPPORT ROLE - It’s more passive but critical. Your job is to hold the calm, peace, and grounded energy to let things unfold without bugging out - and hold other people’s hands when they seem to be teetering on the edge of destruction. Requires LOVE & KINDNESS.
3. BE AN OBSERVER - and document all that you see. Hold the memory of this time so that you can teach it to the new souls that are born after this chaotic time. Look for and hold the torch of truth and perspective. Requires PERSPECTIVE & COMPASSION.
If you decide to play another role; a judgemental role, a hater, a shamer or encourage DIVISION – or if you play a role of a sheep where you blindly let go and hope for the best … then are you really engaging in this incredible journey of life? Are you evolving to the person you are meant to be?
What you cannot afford to do is sit apathetically by whilst humanity forms a glue to this chaos and blows itself up by refusing to evolve. What we know for certain is that a stagnant river creates viruses and bacteria. Flowing rivers are clear and clean.
We can never go back to what WAS. Don't hope for that. Go forward. Flow forward. The wheel is always turning. The way in which it turns is up to us. Today. Right here. Right now.
Do you choose the virus-laden stagnant water to sit in? OR
Do you prefer to wash in clean and clear flowing water? Moving forward in time and dreaming up a better future?
You cannot sit in both rivers or you just might drown.
Feeling overwhelmed lately? Watch James & Debbie's timely webinar series. Read more here
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Outstanding read Debbie!!
Thanks and great to hear from you, Glen!
Well stated. It is the choices we make, to be part of the solution or to be part of the problem. Ultimately we will have to answer to ourselves and no one else.
100% agree :-) thanks for reading Jimmy x
I just read this with tears in my ears, a lump in my throat but a full and bursting heart. Thank you, thank you 💜
Thx for inspiring me...
Brilliant. Just what is needed. Love your work Debbie. Totally in the flow of what your saying ! Just wish more people could take a deep breath and not have to be right and allow others to have their truth or just ask questions. I will be joining in one of these sessions.
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