James Pask

Spiritual Alchemy Practitioner Training

Become a Master Practitioner with Advanced
Spiritual Timeline Therapy


5 Days LIVE on the Sunshine Coast Queensland

+  4 Weeks of Online Zoom Tutorials


Spiritual Alchemy Practitioner Training

Become a Master Practitioner
with Advanced Spiritual Timeline Therapy


5 Days LIVE on the Sunshine Coast Queensland

+  4 Weeks of Online Zoom Tutorials

Full Course rate is $3290 (Payment Plans Available) 


Spiritual Alchemy Practitioner Training

Become a Master Practitioner with Advanced Spiritual Timeline Therapy


5 Days LIVE on the Sunshine Coast Queensland

+  4 Weeks of Online Zoom Tutorials

Full Course rate is $3290 (Payment Plans Available) 





Calling all spiritual healers, metaphysical coaches, holistic practitioners and emerging healers!

Want to learn the best of the best spiritual healing and quantum timeline therapy techniques to transform yourself OR your client’s challenges? 

Our new CREATION modality is designed for the serious deep divers who want to learn a cutting edge and unique way of working by changing reality through regression work.

Learn Past Life Regression, Ancestral Clearing,  Inner Child Healing 

Tackle and Heal Big Karmic Challenges & Dark Forces at Play in Your Life  

Get Mentored by world-leading authorities in Metaphysics and Quantum Healing

Rise to your True Potential as a Spiritual Healer & Holistic Coach 

You will learn how to work with these 12 core ISSUES

You will learn how to work with these 12 core ISSUES: 

  1. Limiting Beliefs & Mind Based Blocks
  2. Part Time Personalities
  3. Cords/projections
  4. Hidden Loyalties
  5. Agreements/vows/curses
  6. Ancestral Burdens/toxicity
  7. Social and Cultural programming
  8. Harmful Energetic frequencies
  9. External Interference
  10. Soul Fragmentation
  11. Fractured Energy fields
  12. Calcified Thoughts and Feelings

In our comprehensive training, you will learn how to heal and work with these 12 CORE ISSUES: 

  1. Limiting Beliefs and Mind Based Blocks
  2. Part Time Personalities
  3. Cords/projections
  4. Hidden Loyalties
  5. Agreements/vows/curses
  6. Ancestral Burdens/toxicity
  7. Social and Cultural Programming
  8. Harmful Energetic Frequencies
  9. External Interference
  10. Soul Fragmentation
  11. Fractured Energy Fields
  12. Calcified Thoughts and Feelings


Struggling to Find the Right Training for  You

Struggling to Find the Right Training for  You?

Looking for the next level of metaphysical wisdom and healing that is in alignment with nature, universal laws and freedom of the individual?

Many current modalities just deal with the "WHAT'S WRONG" with me chat which seek to remedy these blocks and challenges by performing a series of quantum processes. This way of working keeps a client stuck in the past and reinforces that they are broken. As per the law of attraction, it then magnetizes what is NOT wanted, as opposed to pulling you forward into your TRUE healed state and desired reality/goals. 

We work to create the NEW VISION, not gloss over or try and change and edit what is wrong. Of course we address the blocks as we go, but only in relation to the DREAM or outcome.

Just listen to what our past students say... >

Who are we and why do our Spiritual Alchemy course?

We, Debbie and James, have long been pioneers in the fields of metaphysics, energy, philosophy, eastern psychology and spiritual healing. Together we have over 40 years experience and have been teaching spiritual intelligence and shamanistic practices for years.

This course is a culmination of collective wisdom and has birthed out of 27,000 + client healing sessions so we know what works and WHY.

We guide you on a deep spiritual path into the energetic makeup of people and the quantum energy field, how this dimension of life works according to universal law. We teach you how to locate the origin point of any key wound affecting your goals (this life, ancestral, other lifetimes and so much more) and how to alchemize these wounds into powerful resources. We don't know of any other healing modality that teaches this style and mix of cutting edge shamanic timeline Healing and creation therapy

James Debbie rezinate practitioner coaches

A Quick Snapshot of the Alchemy Training

Spiritual Alchemy is a CREATION modality and helps you set a serious intention or goal and then remove all of the blocks in getting there such as karma, ancestral trauma, limiting beliefs, part time personalities, dis-coherent energy fields, cords, agreements, projections, echoes and more.

Think of a BRIDGE of ALCHEMY. You have a vision that is on the other side, and we guide you through a process of how to arrive at that vision by turning all of your blocks into resources. Think quantum healing + timeline therapy + creational goal setting + spiritual resourcing.  It is powerful. 

We deal with PAST LIFE, ANCESTRAL, THIS LIFE and OTHER LIFETIME core issues that are creating resistance to a goal. 

Spiritual Alchemy looks at
'How you want things to be...'

Keeping the focus on what you want to create - and then seeks to find any resistance/blocks to this and clear them so you can experience creation as you would like it to be.

You are not broken and all parts of YOU are welcome. You learn there are no victims; only creators. Through this process you will see HOW you have CREATED YOUR REALITY THE WAY IT IS, AND HOW YOU CAN change it.

Spiritual Alchemy treats the being as an interconnected whole.

These metaphysical tools and processes are a combination of James and Debbie Pask’s combined 40 years working in this field and over 27,000 sessions under their belt. Expect to open up a whole new world of healing abilities.

Spiritual Alchemy looks at HOW YOU WANT THINGS TO BE - keeping the focus on what you want to create - and then seeks to find any resistance/blocks to this and clear them so you can experience creation as you would like it to be.

You are not broken and all parts of YOU are welcome. You learn there are no victims; only creators. Through this process you will see HOW you have CREATED YOUR REALITY THE WAY IT IS, AND HOW YOU CAN change it.


These metaphysical tools and processes are a combination of James and Debbie Pask’s combined 40 years working in this field and over 27,000 sessions under their belt. Expect to open up a whole new world of healing abilities.

Spiritual Alchemy looks at HOW YOU WANT THINGS TO BE

Struggling to Find the Right Training for  You?

Looking for the next level of metaphysical wisdom and healing that is in alignment with nature, universal laws and freedom of the individual?

Many current modalities just deal with the "WHAT'S WRONG" with me and then seek to remedy these blocks and challenges by performing a series of quantum processes. This way of working keeps a client stuck in the past and reinforces that they are broken. As per the law of attraction, it then magnetizes what is NOT wanted, as opposed to pulling you forward into your TRUE healed state and desired reality/goals. 

We work to create the NEW VISION, not gloss over or try and change and edit what is wrong. Of course we address the blocks as we go, but only in relation to the DREAM or outcome.

Just listen to what our past students say >

Symbols in Line Rezinate

Discover the ins and outs of our Spiritual Alchemy Practitioner course, including a breakdown of the enriching 5-day program and insightful Zoom sessions that follow.

Dive deeper into the journey awaiting you!



Runs LIVE for 5 Days in Sunshine Coast, Queensland

4th to 8th september, Wednesday - Sunday  

Followed by 4x Weekly Zoom Tutorials - Tuesdays 6pm- 8pm Sydney time
17 Sept | 24 Sept | 1 Oct | 8 Oct

Book your spot for September Class

Course Only


10 Easy Payments of $329


Leave a Deposit $399 


Course + Private Room


10 Easy Payments of $404


Leave a Deposit $399 


Course Only


2 Easy Payments of $1,645


Leave a Deposit $490 


Course + Private Room


2 Easy Payments of $2,020


Leave a Deposit $490 


*If you are in another time zone, recordings will be made LIVE for the duration of the course to catch up or review.


Runs LIVE for 5 Days in Sunshine Coast, Queensland

23rd to 27th october, Wednesday - Sunday  

Followed by 4x Weekly Zoom Tutorials - Tuesdays 6pm- 8pm Sydney time
5 Nov | 12 Nov | 19 Nov | 26 Nov

Book your spot for October Class

Course Only


10 x Easy Weekly Payments of $329


Leave a Deposit $399 


Course + Private Room


10 x Easy Weekly Payments of $404


Leave a Deposit $399 


Course Only


10 x Easy Weekly Payments of $345


Leave a Deposit $399 


Course + Private Room


10 x Easy Weekly Payments of $404


Leave a Deposit $399 


*If you are in another time zone, recordings will be made LIVE for the duration of the course to catch up or review.

Outcomes & Benefits For You

Master your Healing Abilities -world-class shamanic techniques that help people nail their goals

Instant ability to run sessions anywhere in the world (live or over zoom) that create long lasting change.

Raise your vibration and frequency with this new way of working and increase your spiritual knowledge.  

Master the universal laws that you can apply to both clients and your life to vibrate in accordance with natural law

Effectively deal with Spiritual, Mental, Emotional and Physical blocks from THIS lifetime, PAST lifetimes and ANCESTRAL issues.

Study with advanced students and teachers - a community of connected people who back you. 

Free Web Class: How This Modality Falls into Alignment with Universal Law

Watch the video by James and Debbie discuss 'How This Modality Falls into Alignment with Universal Law' and why this is critical in any healing work.

1. Become a skilled and powerful healer using quantum and shamanic healing processes to change lives.

2. Become a skilled and powerful healer using quantum and shamanic healing processes 

3. Become a powerful healer using quantum and shamanic healing and manifestation techniques.

4. Learn to apply the laws of the universe for healing and manifestation.

The Tools You Will Cover in your 5-Days Live and 4x Tutorials


  1. Inner Child Dialogue and healing or integration.
  2. Ancestors regression work - free up limiting patterns coming from generations above - hidden loyalties and family karma/curses etc.
  3. Past life regression work - release past life agreements, karma and more.
  4. Bridge of Alchemy – give a moment all the healing it needs to transform.
  5. Clearing trapped emotions and energies out of the human field.
  6. Clearing external forces – negative energies/entities and curses.
  7. Societal influence – find out what have you learned that you need to unlearn? Clearing advertising, religious beliefs, societal beliefs and more from the field.

8. Talking to a dysfunctional part or system – and using source sphere healing.

9. Ancestors give back – pass forward resources that benefit and hand back burdens/things you have been carrying for the lineage.

10. Soul Retrieval - bringing back a lost part of the dynamic energy field from another person, being or time/place.

11. Revoking and breaking any contracts, vows, oaths and agreements impacting you e.g. soul contracts.

12. Clearing coping mechanisms and protective fields - e.g. heart- walls/ barriers to abundance and love.

13. Using the VOID to clear trauma and emotions out of the field – e.g. fear, anger, shame and more

14. WIFI and EMF - clearing synthetic frequencies that damage the human energy field and activation of frequencies from your infinite self that you need.

medicine room

Some other reasons why we think this training rocks...

• We don't invite anything external in to a session so it is safe for both practitioner and client from energy attachments

• It reinforces the POWER of your BIG SELF (higher self) with every session so you grow in power, vibration and belief every time

• It focuses on the POSITIVE (road ahead) not the NEGATIVE (past wounding) so you can move forward into a new energy vibration

• It teaches you the Universal Laws so that you can grasp command of the energy field around you   

• We don't just deal with PAST LIVES - but also in between lives, parallel lives and more. 

• We have built in a resources segment at the end so your clients take home a personalised dreaming tool.

Your Certificate of Completion

You will get receive your Spiritual Alchemy Practitioner Certificate signed by James and Debbie Pask once you complete the Course Training and Assignment.

Spiritual Alchemy Mentorship

Continued Mentorship...

We continue to support your healing career.  As an option, you can join our 12-Week Mentoring Program with James exclusive for Alchemy Members at a low cost. This program will allow you to watch live sessions, deepen your spiritual wisdom, and enhance your skills to take your career to the next level.

Learn More Here

The Practitioner Training Course Teachers

Debbie and James Pask are specialists in spiritual healing, metaphysical teaching
and transformational coaching with over 40 years of collective wisdom.


James Pask-healer-400x400


His passion is to restore the relationship between your mind, body, and spiritual consciousness. His natural talent for developing intuition and teaching the energetic principles of how this conscious reality works is what gets James out of bed every day.

James has studied over 20 modalities/ courses, done over 15,000 sessions and has spent a lifetime gathering esoteric and indigenous wisdom to assist people to come back into harmony with their spirit and the earth. 

Debbie Pask-facilitator 400x400


Debbie has a background in Advertising at board level, a university degree in Philosophy and 20 years training in energy healing work, metaphysical education, phoenix style coaching, meditation and equine therapy. She is passionate about using intuitive training to help people unlock their conscious purpose in life. Debbie ahs done over 12,000 sessions and can look into your soul and read your blueprint. She spends her time helping people to heal and teaching others how to do that.

Together they have over 40 years experience in the fields of intuitive, spiritual, and psychic development, using techniques that include mindfulness, meditation, and manifesting metaphysical health. They are teaching spiritual intelligence and developing psychic abilities for years and have been able to invest the inner wisdom they gained into their intuitive courses so that you can immerse yourself in them whenever you need them, from wherever you are in the world.


What our Students Say about this Course?

"Debbie and James are such amazing teachers, so beautiful, clean and clear.
That everything that they present comes through authentically and easy to understand."


"I have the most incredible experience I've felt for a long time in a course."

"Incredible, transforming experience I've ever had..."

"Whether I incorporate this into a practice or whether I just use this every single day as a part of my life, it will be, it is a lifelong and a amazing life lesson with awesome trainers."

"But overall, I just recommend it for anyone who just wants to delve more deeply into themselves and just this type of work in general."

"It's the most exciting, comprehensive, thorough method I've ever done."

"My life has changed... and I can't wait for the future!

"There was so much care taken to the small details and the transformations were phenomenal."

"It's this perfect blend of understanding and connection, but with the sole purpose."


“Phenomenal, life-changing (both on personal & business level)… An incredible journey with an enourmous amount of self-development opportunity for healing that resourced me incredibly.”



“An amazing course, with brilliant teachers and such magic souls. Sending you all so much love - and thank you!”



“I have the most incredible experience I've felt for a long time in a course...
and the expansion of knowledge and integration you get with your own healing is profound beyond words.”



“It’s the most powerful and simple to follow... I already notice the change and the shift in me and others that I do the healing on. I have learned a few healing modalities over the years and yet this is the most powerful and simple to follow and comprehensive, it covers all levels, dimensions, and fields of a being. Highly recommended for those who want to heal themselves and others. Thank you for sharing the knowledge!”

Dr David Nguyen


“My heart is so full as it's been such an honour and a privilege to have spent 5 days together with our Zoom follow-ups and practice sessions. Wow! To each of you I extend my gratitude and love. And a heartfelt very special thank you to Debbie and James for their expertise which was shared with grace and humility. ”

Tahlia S.


“When I moved to the Sunshine Coast, I was so excited to hear about his and Debbie's Spiritual Alchemy Course and enrolled immediately. This course was nothing like I had ever done before. It's transformative and empowering. The wealth of knowledge and insight that James and Debbie have is rare, and they are incredible teachers. But most importantly, for me , they have integrity. I loved learning from them so much that I enrolled to do the Spiritual Alchemy course again! Its magic ✨️”

Sue H.

"With gratitude, I have to say it's been one of the most profound experiences of my life..."

"I didn't know what I was walking into, but what I have learned and what I'm taking home will probably be very useful for the rest of my life!"


“My heart is absolutely overflowing. Such a profound experience for me. ”



“It's the best course I've ever done, after 20 plus years in hundred different modalities of energy healing. It’s the most exciting, comprehensive thorough method I’ve ever done. ”



“Insane beautifully orchestrated, most divinely designed work that you probably come across in your lifetime.”



Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the questions people most frequently ask us:

You will attend the 5 days live face-to-face training in and then attend 4 tutorials over the next 4 weeks after to cement your learning and practice. Foundational training videos can be watched on demand and Q&A is ongoing.

No, however if you have prior knowledge of spiritual concepts, healing and transformation concepts such as past life regression, ancestral haling and more - you will pick it up way more quickly. 

This course is aimed at any inspiring healers (practitioners or planning to) or anyone deeply interested in the healing process and keen to master the art for self, family/friends or more.  Whilst you do not need any special pre-requisites, if you have not been exposed to any spiritual concepts this might be a big jump in your learning and we suggest you might start with the Energy Medicine Room Training first to orient yourself with the Quantum field.

Our lessons are spiritual and yet NOT religious. We don’t pray to anything outside of ourselves and we don’t challenge your personal spiritual beliefs. We believe that you are source energy and therefore have access to innate intelligence – spiritual senses that go beyond the physical. We teach you how to find these senses within YOU and we don’t refer to any religion, gods, goddesses, or deities.

Simply write down your inquiry and questions on the comment box found at the bottom of each lesson page OR, post your question in the private FB group that you will be invited to once you sign up. You can also share ideas and your practices with other like-minded souls.

Your course will be available all the time with your unique LOG IN. There is no time limit. You can access your lesson at any day and time you want.

Yes, we do. We understand that issues can be created in this lifetime when our clients were just children. Therefore, we teach you how to understand and acknowledge what challenges and blocks are being created in adulthood via addressing an issue in childhood. We teach you how to do our specialist technique that involves inner child healing and we demonstrate this live on the 4th day of the course.

Absolutely. We discuss how issues can develop in this both life, past lives, other lifetimes and also up the ancestral line. Therefore, when we come to the understanding of something that's being created through the ancestral lineage, we teach you the healing techniques required to clear up any ancestral issues coming down the line.

Yes. Every, every past life or other lifetime that echoes into this current life is related to some way to karma. Karma does not mean good or bad, right or wrong. Karma simply means action and it activates the law of equilibrium which says that everything that has been done to you has to be done
back and experienced in this lifetime. So yes, we cover off karmic healing.

Yes, it is. It merges timeline therapy and spiritual healing – alongside manifesting principles. We cover off many different ways of how to heal the spirit through ancestral healing, inner child healing, past life regression, soul contracts and a whole bunch of other areas, so that the person can come
back into line with their spiritual health.

Yes. Every time we work through ancestors or this lifetime issues – we are accessing the soul memories and soul contracts that can get someone stuck. So yes, we regress the soul back through ancestor, ancestral lineages as well as this lifetime experiences.

Yes, Spiritual Alchemy will teach you how to access past lives so that forms PART of your training. But there is so much more to it than just past life regression. Past life therapy is just one aspect alongside inner child regression, other lifetimes, future lifetimes, ancestral lineages and more.

Yes, it does. If an issue in this lifetime has been created by a past life trauma we can access that and resolve it. We teach you a technique of how to visit and go back to that past life, find the information and heal that trauma so that it stops affecting you in the current day time.

Metaphysical therapy is anything that deals with the invisible world or the spirit world as opposed to the physical world. So physical world therapy is somatic therapy, psychology, body rehab or anything that's related to the mind and the body that can be touched and felt and worked within this lifetime. Whereas metaphysical therapy deals with the spirit, the spirit body; whether that's the energy body in this lifetime, past lives, ancestors, other lifetimes or more. It deals with all things that relate to the non-physical, non-touchable part of the force field that runs through in all things including the human body.

Bonus: Free "Build a Busy Practice" Coaching Session with Debbie Pask

Upon signing up to this course, you are eligible to attend this 60-minute coaching session on HOW TO BUILD A BUSY PRACTICE so that we can help you identify your core offer/genius, your strengths and niche, the perfect clients for you and how to prepare marketing messages to get new clients on board.
Debbie grew up in the world of advertising, and has built a global energy healing practice so she knows what it takes to grow a business in this unique industry sector.

Debbie with singing bowls sessions

Bonus: Free "Build a Busy Practice" Coaching Session with Debbie Pask

Upon signing up to this course, you are eligible to attend this 60-minute coaching session on HOW TO BUILD A BUSY PRACTICE so that we can help you identify your core offer/genius, your strengths and niche, the perfect clients for you and how to prepare marketing messages to get new clients on board.
Debbie grew up in the world of advertising, and has built a global energy healing practice so she knows what it takes to grow a business in this unique industry sector.

Learn the Difference between our Energy Medicine Practitioner Course and Spiritual Alchemy Training

We train spiritual healers and emerging practitioners to master world class healing techniques so they can excel in their field and impact more lives.

Read the details here

Have questions about the training? Book A Free Chat With Course Facilitator Debbie